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Life Insurance

cupped hands over family giving impression of protection
With a life insurance policy, you make regular monthly payments for a period of time (usually until you reach a certain age – usually the age at which you will retire), and if you become terminally ill or die during this time, the policy will provide you or your family with a lump-sum payment. 
At Derngate Wealth Management, we believe that life insurance is essential for those with a family who are dependent on your income. It’s important to consider how your family would manage to pay the bills and stay in the family home should the worst happen. 

By taking out a life insurance policy, you could provide your family with consistency and solace during an extremely difficult time. It will allow your loved ones to manage financially and the money they receive can cover things like mortgage or rent payments, schooling or university fees, the general cost of living, a car or to maintain their current lifestyle. 

Should you pass away, the beneficiary of the lump sum can be whoever you like including your partner, children or parents. It can be left to anyone who relies on you financially or who you would like to support after your death.

Critical illness

Critical illness cover will pay out a lump sum to pay off your mortgage should you become seriously ill or disabled and are unable to work. Rather than a monthly income you will receive a lump sum once you have been diagnosed with a serious illness including several (not all) types of cancer, a heart attack, stroke, MND or MS and your life expectancy is less than 12 months. The conditions you are covered for can depend on any pre-existing medical conditions but this will be explained to you when you take out a policy.

The amount of cover chosen will always remain the same for the duration of your policy, unless you make a change.

  • You can take out a single or joint policy
  • The cash lump sum could help to pay off your mortgage or living expenses
  • You will have peace of mind knowing loved ones will be taken care of
  • Your policy can be adjusted to reflect your individual circumstances
  • Premiums can be affordable, depending on the level of cover
A life insurance of critical illness policy provides you and your loved ones with peace of mind should you die or become seriously ill. This can provide financial respite during a very difficult time. Talk to Derngate Wealth Management and we can talk you through the options and costs associated with these types of insurance. The younger you are when you take out a policy, the less expensive, so talk to our experts today.

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